Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama administration wants to eliminate conscience rights for health care provider to advance abortion

The Obama administration wants to eliminate conscience rights for health care providers. You can help prevent this from happening, but you must act immediately. Health and Human Services (HHS) is accepting public comments on this during a 30 day period which ends on April 9, 2009. Time is ticking. Go to and send a message today. (Please remember to remove the names and addresses of others when forwarding this email).

In the past, Congress has passed laws, with bipartisan support, confirming the freedom of conscience of health care providers. More recently these laws were grouped together in HHS regulations which were adopted in Dec. 2008 by the Bush administration.

The one thing that the regulations added: "teeth." Enforceability. If a medical school tries to coerce a medical student to act against his or her conscience, that school can't receive federal funds.

For example, if a student is told he or she must participate in an abortion in order to pass a course--if that student's conscience prevents the student from performing an abortion or assisting with an abortion in order to pass a class or to graduate, currently the student must be excused. That student cannot be failed or prevented from graduating on that basis. If the school did prevent the student from graduating on that basis, they would not be eligible for federal dollars. Surprisingly, these types of situations do arise at medical schools.

But doctors and nurses in practice are also subject to similar types of pressures more often than you might expect. The reason the regulations came about in 2008 was that they were needed, and many health care providers had written to say the regulations were needed, during a lengthy period of public comment.

Now, these regulations are about to be overturned. To read about this issue, and to make your voice heard, go to and look in the left hand side bar. Click to send a message to HHS, then click to respond either as a patient or as a provider, also in the upper left corner. Then you will be given a choice of a pre-written message, or the opportunity to write your own and have it sent to HHS. But act quickly because time is running out. April 9, 2009 is the deadline. Please send a message yourself, and ask others to do the same.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Date: March 12, 2009 7:38:14 PM CDT
Subject: Peron, Argentina

Interesting article by Jeffrey Kuhner, Washington Times.

The disastrous path on which America is currently embarked was tried in another country. A fact not well known is that Argentina, prior to World War II, was an economic powerhouse. Beginning in the 1880s and continuing through the 1920s and 1930s, it was regarded as one of the most prosperous and advanced nations in the world. Then Juan Peron and his wife, Eva, took control in the 1940s until a coup in 1955 ousted them from power.

Argentina had a strong industrial base, thriving agricultural exports, huge cattle ranches, and a broad and expanding middle class. Like America, it served as a magnet for immigrants from all over the world, especially Italians. Within 15 years under the Perons, Argentina, however, went from being one of the richest to one of the poorest countries. To date, it has never fully recovered.

Upon coming to office, Peron, along with his popular beautiful wife, Eva, created a state characterized by lavish social spending, elaborate welfare programs, protectionism, confiscatory taxation, and runaway deficits. Juan Peron used class warfare rhetoric. He attacked big business, the banks, the private corporations, and the propertied class. He gave the labor unions power and made them pivotal allies of his regime. Then Peron expanded the bloated government bureaucracy to intervene in every aspect of business and life, which led to internal corruption.

Peron's central socialist economic planning destroyed industrial productivity and growth. The world's investment capital fled. Taxes, inflation, unemployment, and interest rates soared and the middle class was wiped out. Finally, an independent judiciary and media ceased to exist. Eva's cult of supporters fostered a climate of violence and political enemies of the regime were exterminated. Argentina degenerated into the typical debt-ridden Latin American country that it still is today.

The failure of Argentina under Peron should serve as a warning to us. Socialism and a sky-rocketing debt can permanently impoverish even the wealthiest of nations and America is not immune from the laws of economics.

Obama is taking the first dangerous steps toward an American version of Peronism. His followers see him as a political messiah and a revolutionary change agent. He and the Democrats are plundering the country, using it as a vehicle to reward supporters and punish foes. They plan to confiscate wealth by taxing the rich and successful business class. Obama's plan to do away with secret ballets will strengthen the labor unions. His wife, Michelle, is the Eva Peron of our time, a glamorous, chic, socialist fashion trend-setter who is beloved by the media.

Just remember, "Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it".

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fairness Doctrine breeds Thought Crimes against Christians
Date: Friday, March 6, 2009, 1:25 PM

"Action Alert" please consider this topic ! As most groups in the country are alerting Christan's to act on The Fairness Doctrine the very right to proclaim the full Gospel is at stake in our nation ! Please act to let your people know what is at stake with Hate (thought) Crimes ?. These two first links below are very important please watch them ! The first one is Pastor Ake Green who was convicted a couple of years ago for Hate Crimes by just preaching a sermon in his own church ! On this link you need to scroll to the " Ake Green Faith Under Fire" Oct. 06 windows media icon The next link is a change in language to exciting U.K. law being imposed on them by the European Union. This is what will happen to the U.S. if these Hate Crime Laws are passed no matter what the original wording says when it is passed ! At the end of this "Action Alert" see How to kill the hate bills for instructions !

National Prayer Network

[NPN writer Harmony Grant marches in a pro-life protest
in northwest Portland, January 24, 2009.]


By Harmony Grant
17 Feb 09

All Americans should protest the “anti-hate” bills before Congress, HR 256 and 262, which threaten our freedom of speech. But pro-lifers are especially at risk of arrest and censorship for “hate speech.” Incidents in Germany and Canada—as well as recent events in our own “free” nation!—demonstrate the danger of hate crime laws to pro-lifers.

Last Thursday, nine college-age pro-lifers were arrested and jailed in Alabama on charges of “criminal trespass.” They were giving out literature at a local high school, while standing on the public sidewalk! Police “handcuffed and arrested all nine [pro-lifers] without warning. One of the team members who did not assist in the distribution of literature was also arrested and handcuffed so tightly that it caused her to cry in pain… police confiscated the team’s video cameras and personal belongings, and impounded and searched the Campus Life Tour van. The police also asked the team members where they were staying so they could conduct a search in their hotel as well.”

Pro-lifers fare even worse in other states. In Oakland, CA, pastor Walter Hoye faces up to two years in jail and a $4,000 fine for carrying a sign, “Jesus Loves You. Can We Help?” outside an abortion clinic. He is charged with “harassment.”

Police were sensitized to Hoye and other pro-lifers by California’s 2004 “anti-hate” law SB 1234. Police in California now receive hate crime training called "multi-mission criminal extremism." A new category has been added: "anti-reproductive-rights crimes." Pro-lifers are automatically suspect.

Janet Folger of Faith2Action writes, “If I lived in California, I have a feeling my picture would be found at the local post office. If you think killing children is wrong, they're training people against you, too.”

Since pro-lifers are already persecuted under existing statutes, we can only imagine how the crackdown will intensify if federal “anti-hate” laws HR 256 and 262 are passed. Soon all American police will be trained to specifically target “hateful” pro-lifers, as they already do in California.

No Freedom for Canadian Pro-Lifers
Persecution of pro-lifers under existing statutes demonstrates the ferocity of public authorities to attack defenders of the unborn. As we have warned all along, the plight of our neighbors in Canada—where federal hate laws have already shattered free speech—will soon be ours if we don’t stop these bills. In 1994, Canadian pro-lifer Bill Whatcott spent 6 months in jail for praying on the public sidewalk outside an abortion clinic. In 2003, he was sentenced to 8 days in jail for displaying images of aborted fetuses. Police charged him with “criminal mischief” and “disturbing the peace.” In 2004, he was fined $15,000 for protesting Planned Parenthood on a public sidewalk. His total legal debts to date in defense of these charges, and others stemming from criticism of homosexuality, total at least $250,000.

In Canada, as in Europe, the government, and university administrators, are now speech police. Toronto Sun columnist Michael Coren writes of “pro-life clubs defunded and barred from meeting on college property in two universities in Ontario, pro-life stalls vandalized in Manitoba…” The German Law Journal explains, “Although the dangers of hate speech are concededly abstract, they are nevertheless seen as being real enough to warrant management by the government, whose task in this area can be termed as control of the political climate [emphasis mine].” This is the clear intent of hate crime laws: ultimately to control whatever the government defines as “hate speech,” thus “controlling the political climate”—and silencing objectors like those who fight for life.

But more on Germany later—there’s even more bad news from Canada. Last November, students at the University of Calgary faced police intimidation for their campus pro-life display. The university demanded that their large color photographs “face inwards”—obvious censorship—and threatened arrest and expulsion. The students courageously erected their display, which was no less gory than previous displays such as of torture in China.

“Under the watchful eye of numerous media cameras, the university did not arrest the students. But two months later, the university instructed Calgary police to deliver summons to these same students -- privately at their homes, with no media present.” This quote comes from John Carpay, a lawyer for the students, published in the National Post. These students have been charged with “trespassing” on their own campus, and will appear in court this Feb. 27.

Also this month, in Nova Scotia, pro-life presenters at St. Mary’s University were commanded to disband. Protestors descended on the event, which was called “Echoes of the Holocaust,” with “chants and yells,” disrupting the main speaker less than a minute into his speech, yelling, “No hate speech in our school!”

“They continued to shout until [the speaker] was forced to type on the projected screen in order to get his message to the audience…” Campus security did nothing, and then an administrator told the pro-lifers to break up the meeting!

Federal “anti-hate” laws were not even used in every case—official antagonism is so great that authorities used trumped-up charges of “harassment” and “trespassing” to persecute pro-lifers. Hate laws turn this antagonism into a clubbed fist because they empower the government to define the pro-life position itself—regardless of any action taken—as “hate.” That makes any pro-lifer vulnerable to prosecution the moment he or she takes a stand.

Hate Laws in Germany
Elsewhere, federal hate laws have already shown their practically exponential power. In 2007 in Ireland, a pro-lifer was arrested for displaying “offensive” material. She was detained and her “display board showing photographs of abortions was also seized.” Police showed up after just an hour of sharing leaflets and collecting signatures. Apparently someone found the work “offensive.”

It is terrifying that the words “offensive,” “hurtful,” or “hateful” have now become actionable legal concepts. This alone should spring pro-lifers into protest against hate laws. What could be more “hurtful” than showing an image of an aborted fetus to a woman who killed her child? What could be more “hateful” than stating the truth that abortionists kill babies?

The simple truth about this loaded issue can unsettle communities and hurt feelings—and that’s the point of pro-life protest! Few areas of public debate are more threatened by hate laws.

The German Law Journal explains the intentional vagueness of Germany’s own federal “anti-hate” law:

Similar to applicable provisions of international law, German statutes specifically refrain from requiring that racist [or other politically incorrect] messages lead to a clear and present danger of imminent lawless action before becoming punishable [emphasis mine]. A distant and generalized threat to the public peace and to life and dignity, particularly of minorities, suffices for legal sanctions irrespective of whether and when such danger would actually manifest itself…hate speech is generally prohibited—it is "speech minus" or "low-value speech," even if it addresses issues of high political importance.

Shamelessly this journal says German laws criminalize pure speech—even if it doesn’t incite violence! Any speech that might create a “distant and generalized threat to the public peace…suffices for legal sanctions!"

Two years previously, “In 2005, a German pro-lifer, Günter Annen, was sentenced to 50 days in jail for saying 'Stop unjust [rechtswidrige] abortions in [medical] practice,' because, according to the court, the expression 'unjust' is understood by laymen as meaning illegal, which abortions are not.”

Throughout Europe, pro-lifers face stigmatization which will eventually make them as detestable as Lerle the “anti-Semite.” In Britain, the BBC this month again aired a two-part drama that portrays pro-lifers as violent terrorists who kidnap children and lethally inject one of their hostages.

These incidents in Canada and Europe pose a sober warning to the American pro-life movement. For the last decade, our National Prayer Network has faithfully warned pro-lifers that they are in the crosshairs of “anti-hate” legislation. Yet, many seem to view white supremacists or critics of homosexuality as the only ones who should fear hate laws. Wake up!

If you believe in the sanctity of life, you must protest HR 256 and 262 to Congress. Call 1-877-851-6437 toll free or 1-202-225-3121 toll. Also, alert your pro-life organization about how hate laws can persecute and even destroy the pro-life movement in America. Watch our recent 10-minute video, How to Kill the Hate Bills — and take action.

We must rescue the lives of women and helpless, innocent babies from abortion. But pro-lifers must also save the freedom of the living. Otherwise, we will have no voice left to speak for the unborn.

Harmony Grant writes and edits for National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog group.

National Prayer Network, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Clayton Makepeace speaks on the economy

At a time when we’re supposed to believe that every available penny needs to be spent to stimulate the economy … and after electing a president who promised to eliminate earmarks from the budgeting process …

The Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives (with the help of 20 guilty Republicans) just passed an omnibus spending bill packed with a staggering 8,570 pork-laden earmarks.

The bill, which is expected to land on Obama’s desk next week, allocates 7,700 million dollars ($7.7 billion) for pure pork – including …

  • $2 million to promote astronomy in Hawaii …

  • $381,000 for music programs at Lincoln Center …

  • $6.6 million for termite research in New Orleans …

  • $300,000 for the Montana World Trade Center …

  • $2.1 million for the Center for Grape Genetics in New York …

  • $1.7 million for a honeybee factory in Weslaco, Texas …

  • $143,000 for an online encyclopedia in Nevada …

  • $150,000 for a rodeo museum in South Dakota …

  • $238,000 for the Alaska PTA …

  • $333,000 for a school sidewalk in Franklin, Texas, and …

  • $1.7 million to research pig farts and poop in Iowa …

This $410 billion bill, plus the $787 billion Obama and Congress spent last week, adds up to a staggering $1.2 trillion spent in Obama’s first 43 days in office.

That’s $28.6 billion per day … $1.2 billion per hour … $19.9 million per minute … $330,688 per second — 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you began spending $1 million every day right now, you’d still have millions left over in the year 5296.

If you had started spending that $1 million a day in 1279 BC — the year Troy was destroyed … when Ramses II became pharaoh in Egypt … and when Moses was still living in Pharaoh’s house — you’d still have millions left.
The Dirty Little Secret That Obama and Congress
Do NOT Want You to Know:

While they make a grand public show of oozing empathy for “the poor,” Obama and Congressional scoundrels running up these huge deficits are, in fact, the poor’s worst nightmare for four clear reasons:

  • 1. Higher taxes on business mean THE WORKING POOR — the most expendable employees at most companies — are more likely to lose their jobs as this crisis intensifies.

  • 2. Higher taxes on business caused by these deficits mean POOR CONSUMERS pay more for food, energy and many other things they buy.

  • 3. Huge deficits mean interest rates businesses pay will soar and as always, those costs will be passed on to THE POOR, along with the rest of us.

  • 4. Huge deficits also mean that THE POOR and the rest of us will be slammed by soaring inflation once this crisis ends and the trillions of dollars printed in the meantime inevitably destroy the buying power of our money.

But as the poor are, by definition, the least educated members of our society, they remain blissfully unaware that they are being played for suckers …

And therefore, they continue to vote for the very liberal and/or corrupt politicians – Democrats and Republicans alike — who are enslaving them; dooming them to eternal dependence on Washington.

The bottom line: Phony empathy that results in dependence is not compassionate. Only fiscal conservatism can free the poor to better their lives.
If you remain silent, this abomination will be YOUR Fault.

I beg you to tell Obama, your senator and your representative that you’re on to them:

Tell them you know they’re welching on their promise to end earmarks and pork. Urge them to defeat this terrible bill. Threaten retaliation at the polls if they schlep this load of garbage through.

If you do, your conscience will be clear. If you don’t, you’ll have no excuse to complain when the pig poop hits the air conditioner.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rush Puts it straight in his first national address

if you haven't seen this, it's a must see. If you have, it's a must see again. It's 1½ hours long and worth every minute of it. Rush, the eternal optimist!