Thursday, April 16, 2009

Secretary Janet Napolitano targets prolifers, pastors and anyone against the Government as TERRORISTS

The PROBLEM: Secretary Janet Napolitano said intelligence reports highlighting the potential terrorist threats posed by right wing extremists groups:


BASED ON THIS REPORT: the report targets anyone disagreeing with this administration, any prolifer who is against abortion, and pastor who preach about the end times as well as radical groups that warn not with conspiracies but fact upon irrefutable fact.

Learn about Argentina's Economic collapse

View the Documentary on the events that led to the economic collapse of Argentina in 2001 which wiped out the middle class and raised the level of poverty to 57.5%. C.

An Argentine opinion on the Global Financial Crisis, describing the whole Global Financial System as one vast Ponzi Scheme. Like a pyramid, it has four sides and is a predictable model. The four sides are: (1) Artificially control the supply of public State-issued Currency, (2) Artificially impose Banking Money as the primary source of funding in the economy, (3) Promote doing everything by Debt and (4) Erect complex channels that allow privatizing profits when the Model is in expansion mode and socialize losses when the model goes into contraction mode.

The collapse of Argentina was manufactured by design.
It is a fact in history, recent history. And the warnings from Argentina are not fiction or conspiracy, they are fact.

Now, what about those concentration camps the report claims are promoted by radical right wing extremists.

I can't vouch for anyone's political ideology and should not based on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of this nation. But a search of will produce 1,810 postings that show actual FEMA camps with the armor, the railroads, the stacked rows of coffins.


So based on the evidence at hand, who is the real terrorist?

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